Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Day Ten - Personal Facts

Prompt:  Share five random facts about yourself.  Share four things from your bucket list.  Share three things that you hope for this year, as a "person" or an educator.  Share two things that have made you laugh or cry as an educator.  Share one thing you wish more people knew about you.

Random Facts About Me

  1. I didn't always want to be a teacher.  The teaching bug bit me when I subbing for a class one day, and I realized that I belonged in a classroom.  The connections with the students were so overpowering, that I just knew.
  2. I'm teaching in the school district that I graduated from almost 10 years ago (as the salutatorian of my class!).
  3. I really miss my little sister who's all the way in Alabama (on a full-ride track scholarship).
  4. I'm the high school youth minister at my parish.
  5. I'm terrified of sharks to the point

Bucket List (only four things)
  1. Find and marry my soulmate (and start a family with him)
  2. Visit Machu Picchu
  3. Roadtrip the continental United States (coast to coast) with my sister
  4. Attend World Youth Day with my church's youth group

My Hopes for this Year
  1. I want to take enough risks and not be afraid to fall flat on my face.  I should be a model to my students that anything worth having sometimes requires taking a chance.
  2. I can provide each students with one significant and happy moment in my class.  I want them to be able to think back to that moment and grin from ear to ear.
  3. I challenge my students to be the best versions of themselves.  So many times they sell themselves short, but I want them to know that they are enough.  I want them to know that they have someone that is in their corner keeping them from falling to the daily punches that hit them as teenagers.

Emotional Moments
  1. At the end of every single day, I can honestly say that I laughed at least once during each class period.  I enjoy laughing with my students about the random things that happen in our classroom, or something that they found to be funny.  I love sharing these moments with the students because it lets me know that they value my opinion.
  2. At least once a year, I find myself crying from the overabundance of emotion.  Teaching is not the weak-hearted.  I have cried of frustration and anger over students indifference, and have cried with the small statements of endearment.  At the end of each semester, when I see my students for the last time, I can't help but tear up because they've touched my heart, and I'll forever be different because of what we've gone through as a class.

Something that People Don't Know
  1. My goal in life is to have so many books that I've read or plan to read that they fill every room in my home.  I have already amassed enough books to fill bookshelves I don't even own, but I will not stop searching.  I want my future children to know that their mother values reading and will share with them the love for the adventures books can provide them.

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