Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Getting Back to the Basics ...

Inspiration has struck ...

For the past two nights, I've participated in some amazing Twitter chats - #falconedchat & #worldgeochat (not that I'm plugging them or anything), and I've decided that I really need to start sharing more about the happenings in the classroom.  There have been several changes in the past couple of months, and I've been meaning to share.  However, (insert excuse here), I did not.  Well, not anymore ... I'm going to get right back on it.  I figure that if I'm going to push my students to reflect on their work, then I must be willing to do the same thing because teachers are professional students after all.
Here's a quick update:

  • I've moved into a new learning space.  I don't feel that calling the space a classroom because it's not.  There is much more room for my students to flex their brains and muscles.  My first period students have a love/hate relationship with the space because they are constantly comparing it to the "cozy" atmosphere of the old room.  They say "cozy" and I say "crowded."  My other classes, which were never located in the old room, absolutely love the space.  It's not uncommon to walk in and find students on the floor collaborating or moving furniture to better suit their educational needs.  It's awesome!
  • My section of World Geography has gone paperless!  It's so amazing not having to run copies and possibly run out of extras.  There were some issues with having students feel comfortable with the format, but for the most part, we're finally getting into the groove of things.  I'm already thinking of how to modify the format to best fit the class set-up, and the students are quite forward in offering their opinions of what works best for them.
  • My students and I are trying to fully implement the PBL model in class.  We actually completed the first PBL unit of the semester with presentations today.  The amount of passion shown by the students in their presentations was awe-inspiring.  One of the groups created a short film that brought me to tears because they really captured the raw emotion of those they interviewed.  I truly see how this format of learning allows for students to connect to the outside world while still finding relevance in their own lives.  Now to move onto the reflection portion, and figure out how we can all do better the next time around.
  • My students and I are trying out a new format for approaching the course content.  We are no longer looking at World Geography through a regional analysis but a thematic analysis.  The students and I take a more in-depth look at various topics which allows us to get into the meat of it all.  I'm really loving it, and the students are able to draw conclusions and make the global connections.  It also lends itself to the PBL units that we are trying out this semester.  So far it's working for us.
There are other changes occurring daily in the classroom, but I feel like they're all challenging my students and I to the best versions of ourselves.  Sometimes we are just not having it, but most days, it's magical (and I love it!).  I can only look forward to finishing out the year stronger than ever!
