Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Bridging the Gap

Prompt:  Write about one way that you "meaningfully" involve the community in the learning in your classroom.  If you don't yet do so, discuss one way you could get started.

Okay, so this is clearly one of the posts where I look towards the future because it's totally not happening in the present.  The way I see myself actively including the community in my classroom would be through inviting various experts into the classroom as we cover varying topics.  Lucky for me, I teach a subject (World Geography) that can link to so many different professionals.  I'm actually making an effort to get in contact with various leaders in our community to have them assist in the PBL process that my students and I are trying to achieve.  I've already had success in collecting some names of business owners that are willing to provide feedback to my students in regards to their business proposals, but I keep on looking forward.

It's my mission this year to create a database of professionals/experts in different fields to provide assistance in our class because I really can see how it's only going to help my students and I with our learning process.  I look forward to letting the outside community in our classroom while expanding the walls of our room to the outside world.


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